
Benefits Of Hiring A DWI Defense Lawyer

Benefits Of Hiring A DWI Defense LawyerIf you or someone you know has recently been arrested for a DWI – or driving while intoxicated – in Suffolk County, Long Island, it’s likely that you’re currently on the lookout for a lawyer or attorney who can come to your defense. After all, nobody wants to spend time in jail, and the consequences for driving under the influence can be extremely severe, even if it’s your very first offense. You could be faced not only with a mark on your permanent record, but also:

  • Driver’s license suspension, which leaves no exceptions for those who work or have other responsibilities;
  • Seizure of your vehicle, especially in repeat cases;
  •  Jail time;
  • Lawsuits or other legal action from any other drivers involved, especially where there was a victim of your actions.

While no lawyer or attorney can guarantee that you won’t face any of these consequences, it is highly recommended that you work with a legal representative with experience and skill as soon as possible. There are several advantages to hiring a good legal representative to defend you in your case, and understanding them can help you significantly in your search.

Knowledgeable And Experienced

A good legal defense lawyer or attorney will have an in-depth understanding of the legal rules and standards for prosecution of driving while intoxicated, as well as knowledge of the local court customs and procedures to successfully guide you through your trial. While a family attorney can draft your pleadings for the court, a DWI defense representative is more likely to be up to date on:

  • Requirements for blood tests, field sobriety tests, breath tests, and sobriety checkpoints;
  • What defenses carry any weight and which do not.

In addition to those advantages, they are also likely to cost you a little less in court costs due to their knowledge of law applicable to your case, evidence to look for, defenses that carry weight versus defenses that do no, and are therefore able to present your case much more effectively than a family attorney.

Option Discussions And Inside Information

There are more options than the common plea bargain or trial. By hiring an experienced DWI legal representative, you will be presented with all local options in addition to the two previously mentions. This means you have the option to choose any specialized DWI program options offered by Suffolk County, as well as any counseling available for possible consequence reduction, if any.

In addition to this, a skilled, experienced DWI lawyer or attorney will be knowledgeable as to:

  • Who is involved in the case and how they work within the procedure;
  • Any officers who may have been subject to disciplinary action within their department previously, leaving potential for reduction of consequences;
  • Pleas and arguments likely to appeal to your particular appointed judge.